100 South 9th Street, Springfield, NE 68059
(402) 253-2949

Religious Education

Rooted in Faith, Grounded in Community.

The purpose of the Religious Education Ministry at St. Joseph Parish is to provide programs that enable our parish family to journey in faith by coming to a deeper understanding of the message of Christ, experiencing a Christian community, and receiving guidance in worship, prayer, and service to others. This mission extends to all people welcomed into our parish community through the Sacrament of Baptism.

Traditional Religious Education(TRE)

K-6th Grade

Students in Kindergarten thru 6th grade meet on Wednesdays 6:15-7:30 PM

7th-8th Grade

Students in 7th and 8th grade meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month 6:15-7:30 PM in JPII room.

Adult Volunteer

Adults within our church and community are always needed to help make our RE program successful. Please consider giving of your time and talents to our smallest members. All volunteers must be Safe Environment trained by the Archdiocese of Omaha. Reach out Sherry Huntwork if you are interested.


Family Formation 

The Family Formation (FF) approach is based on teaching parents and children—as well as any other interested parishioners—at the same time. It is focused on dynamic sessions that involve teaching, group discussion, question and answer, and fellowship. This focus differs from traditional religious education, which is more like a K-8 school day.

No-Hoops Approach

We understand that religious education takes place in real life. So, we want to take an approach where there are as few hoops as possible to jump through. We understand that conflicts arise and that things come up. Please
just stay in touch with Fr. Scott when those things happen.


There is no cost for FF or for religious education. This is a primary work of our parish, and generous Sunday giving makes it possible to provide our programs cost-free.

Frequency, Schedule, and Attendance

FF will meet monthly during the academic year for class. That class will go from 5:30-7:30pm, starting with dinner at 5:30pm. Dinner will be provided by the parish. The class will begin at 5:45pm, while we finish dinner. At least one parent should plan to attend each month with their child.
In addition to the class time, each month will have a designated activity. Families are strongly encouraged to
participate in the activities, since they will be directly tied to class lessons and seasons of the Church year. Some activities will be family-based, and others will be group-based. Each month, we’ll provide all that is needed to
participate in the activities. We will work the activity schedule around family schedules.
A key component of all religious education, FF included, is attendance at Sunday Mass. This regular attendance will help the topics take root deeply.

What to Expect

Everyone coming to FF should expect to be actively engaged. It won’t be a passive experience. We will cover the teaching of the Church over the course of a three-year cycle, based on what are called the “pillars” of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, namely, the Creed, the Sacraments, Life in Christ, and Prayer. We’ll punctuate everything with prayer and with the scripture, so the cycle of the years will be Creed, Sacraments, and Life in Christ. This year will be on the Creed, and we’ll divide it over the nine classes. Next year will be on the Sacraments, and the year after on Life in Christ. At least for the first year, Fr. Scott will be the sole teacher, though we’ll look for moments of witness and insights from others as the year goes on.

Register for Religious Education HERE:

Pre-K Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children ages 3-6. It is rooted in the bible, the liturgy of the Church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Children gather in an “atrium,” a room prepared for them, which contains simple yet beautiful materials that they use. The atrium is a wonderful place where your child can fall in love with Jesus. In an Atrium, the child can ponder a biblical passage or a prayer from the liturgy by taking the material for that text and working with it.

How do we utilize CGS at St. Joseph’s?

Our catechists for kindergarten and first grade go through extra, in-depth training to become certified to take the Montessori-style approach of CGS. This is a standard certification offered throughout the country, in advancing levels. CGS has been part of our religious education at St. Joseph’s for several years. Starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, we will add additional formation for pre-k children.

How will pre-k CGS work?

Pre-K CGS will take place on Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00am in the RE building in the kindergarten room. We anticipate that we will have room for up to ten students. First preference for these spaces will be given to registered parishioners. The group will meet on the same days when the traditional RE program meets, according to the RE calendar. Decisions about weather cancellations will be made by the catechists and communicated to parents in a timely manner. Pre-k CGS is on the parish website from the religious education page.

Are there any costs or other special requirements?

There are no costs. Children should be ages three to five, though six-year-olds not already
enrolled in kindergarten are also welcome. Children must be completely potty trained to attend.

Who is the point of contact?

Please contact the RE office with any questions.

Join us for CGS by registering here:

Youth Group

All 9th-12th grade youth are invited to our St. Joseph’s Youth Group. Join in a lot of fun and fellowship…and always food! We meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. as a group and serve in the community on the third Wednesdays of each month.