100 South 9th Street, Springfield, NE 68059
(402) 253-2949

CGS Preschool Registration

Rooted in Faith, Grounded in Community.

CGS Preschool Registration

Pre-K CGS will take place on Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00am in the RE building in the Kindergarten room. We anticipate that we will have room for up to ten students. First preference for these spaces will be given to registered parishioners. The group will meet on the same days when the traditional RE program meets, according to the RE calendar.
For more information on Pre-K CGS please see the parish website religious education page.

Pre-K CGS will take place on Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00am in the RE building in the Kindergarten room. We anticipate that we will have room for up to ten students. First preference for these spaces will be given to registered parishioners. The group will meet on the same days when the traditional RE program meets, according to the RE calendar.
For more information on Pre-K CGS please see the parish website religious education page.

For 2024-2025 year
For 2024-2025 year

Safe Environment Training

Please note that all volunteers and visitors to religious education will need to be Safe Environment certified.  Volunteers for any church activity are also required to have SE training. Trainings are offered regularly around the area. Please see this link for further information.

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